Intra Lightning katalog - page 152

Complete fitting
Nitor RV-L
Nitor RV-H
Nitor RV-OL
Nitor RV-OH
Nitor order example
Nitor RV-PH Nitor RV-SL
Nitor RV-SH Nitor RV-FL
Nitor RV-FH
Decorative trim
white / grey /
chrome / gold
Nitor RV-FL
Nitor RV-FL with
Decorative trim
Decorative trim
Decorative trim
with glass IP44
white / grey /
chrome / gold
Difuser IP44
PC / glass
satin glass /
partly satin glass
RGL-DH glass ring
blue / green / yellow / orange / transparent
Nitor RV-CM
Nitor range
Nitor optic options
Nitor C-OL
Nitor C-OH
OL / OH optic
Optics made of aluminium which is
aluminium vacuum metalized, specular
finish, very high efficiency, no iridescence;
height - 105 / 150 mm; glare reduction in
accordance with EN 12464
PH optic
Optics made of aluminium which is
aluminium vacuum metalized, very high
efficiency, no iridescence; height - 150 mm;
anti-glare cross blades are integrated -
glare reduction in accordance with EN
SL / SH optic
Optics made of aluminium which is
aluminium vacuum metalized, satin finish,
very high efficiency, no iridescence; height -
105 / 150 mm
FL / FH optic
Optics made of aluminium which is
aluminium vacuum metalized, very high
efficiency, faceated specular finish, no
iridescence; height - 105 / 150 mm; glare
reduction in accordance with EN 12464
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