Mebi katalog - page 1

TheS-metal Normal andS-metal Klasik
roof coveringproduction range, produced
by the companyMEBI, d.o.o., comprises
high-qualityproducts, which are the
result of long-termdedication to the
know-how in the area of corrugated sheet
metal. To a large extent, these products
aremarketed as the best choice for
cladding all sorts of buildings, from small
prefabricated homes andholiday cottages
tobigger familyhomes andother
business andwarehouse facilities. Our
products aremade of the best sheetmetal.
The adaptabilityofNormal andKlasik
roofingpanels is demonstrated on all roof
types. In terms of their shape, Normal
andKlasik roof coverings are similar to
classic tiles, while eliminating all
deficiencies of these andother roofing
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